Welcoming New Board Members, Open Positions

Jan. 01, 2025

Toni Adair, Past President: I wanted to reach out to you all and send my deepest thank you for all your support to SCMB over the past years I have been president. It has been such a pleasure getting to know the families and watch all the athletes grow through out the years. You truly made my time with SCMB memorable and hard to make the decision to step down from my position as president while still remaining a part of the SCMBA board.

With that, I would like to introduce to you your new President of Swift Current Minor Baseball, Chad Kozun! Chad is well known in the community, a strong volunteer, and someone I know will continue to grow baseball in Swift Current.

I would also like to take the opportunity to welcome and introduce our new and existing board members:

Vice President - Erlene Deobald (new position)

Secretary - Erin Cashin (new member)

Treasurer - Conrad Funk

Equipment and Facilities Coordinator - Jamie Leblanc

Registrations Coordinator - Quinton Chastkiewicz

Compliance Officer -  Garnett Unger

18 U Division Coordinator - Gerald Johnson

15 U Division Coordinator - Blake Deobald (new member)

13 U Division Coordinator - Jason Soos

11 U Division Coordinator - Vacant (please let us know if you or someone you know is interested in joining our board!)

Rally Cap/ T-Ball Division Coordinator - Dave Langen

Sponsorship Coordinator - Lori Langen (new position)

As you may have noticed, the 11 U Division is vacant and we are looking for anyone interested in helping out. Please contact any of the board members if this is something that might interest you or if you have any inquiries about the position.

Upcoming Events

Jun. 06, 2025 to Jun. 08, 2025

11U AA Home Tournament
Swift Current, SK

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